Café com o Sensei

Café com o Sensei

Pensamentos e comentários do Sensei Jorge Kishikawa


O ESTADÃO 1 - Surprise

Ontem recebi este email:

"Konichiwa Sensei,
I was surprised to see you in the newspaper today. I didn't realize how big the niten actually was. The reporter said 10,000 students attend the school. I knew that the niten was big but, I did not grasp the scale of it. The article reflected very well on the organization as a whole, and placed you in a good light. By the way I am up to running half the distance to my work now.
Sayonara "
- Randy (Unidade Ana Rosa)

Eu também fiquei "surprised"
Randy se refere a esta matéria que a partir de amanhã, farei comentários:

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