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Mundial - Wonderful Days
por Toshi - SP/São Paulo SU - 25-out-2018
Shitsurei Shimasu,
Konnichiwa Sensei,
Such wonderful days!
Today it seems that the sun was brighter, that people were more beautiful, that life is much better! My sense of time has changed, it was so intense, I have the feeling that the party lasted almost a month. The screams of the crowd still echo in my head, the image of the little table was branded in my heart.
The environment created by Senpai Wenzel was perfect to give the atmosphere of celebration, this congregation was formed from the colors of the flag, I saw Brazilians, Argentines, Mexicans, Portuguese, Chileans, and Americans talking as if they were old friends, true brothers of the Sword!
Arigatou gozaimashita Sensei, for opening the path where many passes and many will pass! I had the opportunity to talk to Mika Sensei and how she thrilled and inspired me!
Having the opportunity to assist in assembling and documenting gave me another perspective of the party, I had contact with different people and reconnect the links. I learned a little of the history of each one of them, and I saw the impact of Sensei and Niten on their lives, they are all very grateful for the existence of Sensei and your work. Sensei has the strength to change destinies!
The victory of Senpai Gilberto gave me the joy of knowing that we trained with the best senpais in the whole world! The girls from Argentina motivated me to train more too! And they were the more excited crowd ever!
Domo Arigatou gozaimashita for allowing me to help and participate a little in this unforgettable party.
Long live Niten!
Arigatou Gozaimashita,
Shitsurei Shimasu,
Toshi - Sumaré-SP
Últimas postagens:
Mundial - Um sonho de um grande Sonho!
Palabras de Nuestra Campeona Mundial de Kenjutsu
Mundial - Emocionante!
Mundial - Que Venham Mais 25 Anos!
Mundial - Backstage
Mundial - Superação!
Mundial - Ir a la Guerra.
Mundial - Aprender y Crecer
Mundial - Por Todos Nós
Mundial - Aproveitar o Caminho
Mundial - Patrimônio Nacional
Mundial - Familia
Mundial - Espíritu Inquebrantable
Mundial - Unión, Disciplina, Coraje y Respeto